Pipes are used to transporting gas, cold, and hot water safely from one place or another. Many types of pipes can be used depending on the situation.
The selection of pipe types is based on suitability and work. The prices of the pipes are also taken into consideration.
- Galvanized Iron Pipe (G.I)
- I Pipes are made from mild steel sheets. The length-wise join is welded seam type. G.I pipe can be used to supply water, gas, and other liquids within the building.
- These pipes are available in sizes ranging from 12 mm to 0.5 inches (1.5 inches) and up to 15 cm (6 inches). These pipes are available in 6 m ( 20 ft) lengths.
- Different diameters affect the thickness of its wall. This pipe is then dipped in zinc solution after it has been prepared. Galvanizing is this procedure. This is how the pipe can be saved from rusting.
- The average lifespan of this pipe is 10 years. They are very easy to join. They can be joined by using a socket.
- These pipes can be purchased cheaply and are light-weighted. These pipes are sensitive to alkaline and acidic waters.
- Steel Pipe
- Steel pipes are used to move water, gas, or any other liquid under pressure. These pipes are made with steel sheets.
- Small pipes have a welded joint running along their length that isn’t easily visible. Large pipes are either riveted or welded joints.
- These pipes have lightweight. They can be joined using a weld joint. They are supported on Open Supports. Flanged Joint is also used to join the two.
- These pipes can be easily bent. These pipes may rust easily with acidic or alkaline water. This pipe is not easy to repair. A smaller wall thickness makes them more prone to external pressure.
- Copper Pipe.
- Copper pipes are small in diameter. These pipes are long-lasting because copper doesn’t allow rust to form. These pipes are limited in use because they cost copper.
- These pipes are typically used to transport hot water or steam. They are stable at high temperatures and will not bend or sag.
- Copper is a light metal. Copper pipes are flexible and can be bent easily. They are joined with Union Joints as well as Flanged Joints.
- Plastic Pipe
- These pipes, which can include rubber or P. V. C. pipes, are used to supply water as well as acidic and alkaline waters. Do not use hot water.
- These pipes are joined by using a joint called a “thread joint” or a “socket is joined with a solution.” These pipes will not rust. These pipes are light in weight. These pipes are very easy to use for cutting, bending, jointing, and other tasks.
- These pipes are very resistant to electricity. They are useless when the temperature rises. They also lose their usefulness when they are tempered by nails, for example.
- Asbestos Cement Pipe
- The asbestos pipe is made with asbestos, silica, and glue. This material is dense and homogeneous and has a lot of strength.
- The cement is completely mixed with the asbestos fiber, which serves as reinforcement.
- The asbestos pipe is assembled using a special coupling, which includes a pipe sleeve and two rubber rings that are compressed between the pipe inside and the interior of its sleeve.
- The joint is as strong as the pipe itself, but it’s flexible enough for as much as 12deg deflection to be used when routing pipe around curves.
- Asbestos cement is lightweight and can easily be assembled by skilled workers. It can be joined together with cast-iron pipe with sulfur-based or lead compounds.
- It is easy to cut and can be threaded and tapped for connection. High hydraulic efficiency is achieved by an asbestos pipe.
- However, if the rubber joint seals are exposed to gasoline or other petroleum-based products, they may become damaged.
- The pipe is easily broken by excavating instruments and has little strength when bent.
- They are used to carry water at low pressure.
- These pipes have a soft interior. Their performance is superior because they are soft from the inside. They don’t rust and are affordable.
You can find Specialised Pipe & Water Solutions at our website at www.specialisedpipe.com.au